- Future progressive: cos’è e quando si usa
- 20 esercizi future continuous forma affermativa
- Future progressive: 20 esercizi sulla forma negativa
- 20 esercizi sul Futuro progressivo inglese alla forma interrogativa
- 10 esercizi Future continuous alla forma interrogativa negativa
- 10 esercizi su Future progressive, questions tag & short answer
- Futuro semplice o Futuro progressivo inglese? 10 esercizi
- 10 esercizi Future continuous o Future perfect
Dicci la verità: anche tu stai impazzendo con il future progressive e hai appena digitato esercizi futuro inglese con soluzioni nella speranza di trovare un’ancora a cui aggrapparti nel mare in tempesta della grammatica inglese! 😁🌊
Be’ ti accontentiamo! Novakid, ti ha preparato 100 esercizi sul Future continuous da fare online, con soluzioni e anche una breve spiegazione della grammatica.
Novakid è una scuola di inglese per bambini online presente in 49 paesi del mondo, con insegnanti qualificati e programmi QCER: il punto di riferimento internazionale per i bambini e i ragazzi che devono imparare l’inglese da zero o sono già più avanti nel percorso.
Allora, cominciamo?
Future progressive: cos’è e quando si usa
Il future continuous o progressive è un tempo verbale inglese che indica un’azione che si svolgerà in un periodo di tempo futuro. Per esempio la frase:
I will be studying all day
è un esempio di future progressive e
✔️ Indica un’azione che ha una durata.
✔️ Si riferisce a un particolare momento nel futuro.
In effetti il future continuous è un tempo verbale analogo al Present continuous, con la differenza che si riferisce ad azioni future.
Come si forma il futuro progressivo inglese
La formazione del future continuous è molto semplice, ed è uguale per tutte le persone. Ecco uno schema 👇
Affermativa | Soggetto + will + be + ing form del verbo | She will be dancing. |
Negativa | Soggetto + won’t + be + ing form del verbo | She won’t be dancing |
Interrogativa | Will+ soggetto + be +ing form del verbo | Will she be dancing? |
Interrogativa negativa | Won’t+ soggetto + be +ing form del verbo | Won’t she be dancing? |
Quando si usa il future continuous
Questa verb tense si usa essenzialmente in due casi. Vediamoli.
Azione in svolgimento nel futuro
Il future progressive si usa per descrivere un’azione in svolgimento prima, dopo o durante un’altra azione o uno specifico momento nel futuro.
Sono esempi di questo uso le frasi seguenti 👇
- When you leave office tomorrow, my plane will be landing (azione allo stesso momento).
- Please call before 6pm. After that, we’ll be watching the game (azione che svolge dopo un altro momento).
- We will be walking in the forest until the sun goes down (azione che ha una durata prima di un altro momento).
Azione non abituale nel futuro
Il futuro progressivo inglese si usa anche per indicare un’azione futura che è diversa dal solito, non usuale:
- Tomorrow there is a train strike, I will be driving to work.
Ti è venuta voglia di saperne di più? Allora 🏃♀️➡️corri a leggere la nostra spiegazione completa sul Future continuous.
20 esercizi future continuous forma affermativa
E adesso cominciamo i nostri esercizi futuro inglese con soluzioni. Qui di seguito trovi 20 coppie di frasi: mettiti al lavoro e scegli quella dove il futuro progressivo inglese è coniugato in forma corretta. 🤓
Future progressive: 20 esercizi sulla forma negativa
Adesso che tutte le frasi sono coniugate correttamente, perché non le mettiamo alla forma negativa? Vai con l’ esercizio e poi controlla la soluzione! 🚀
- We will be hiking up the mountain early in the morning and they will be cycling >> ___________________________
- I will be working on my presentation all day tomorrow. >> ___________________________
- Tim will be walking his dog after lunch. >> ___________________________
- John will be meeting his friends after work today. >> ___________________________
- Until the sun goes down, the children will be playing in the park. >> ___________________________
- We will be binge watching a TV series from 9pm until …. who knows! >> ___________________________
- Sarah will be staying with her parents while her flat is being renovated. >> ___________________________
- The pianist will be performing in the auditorium tomorrow evening at 7pm. >> ___________________________
- Paula will be training all week for the match. >> ___________________________
- When you get out of office tomorrow, I’ll be landing in NYC. >> ___________________________
- Please come before 6 o’clock. We’ll be watching the game afterwards. >> ___________________________
- Sam will be starting work later in his new job. >> ___________________________
- Jane will be living in London from September. >> ___________________________
- She’ll be working there for a year. >> ___________________________
- I will be attending my yoga class tomorrow night, we can meet the day after. >> ___________________________
- By this time next week, I will be sightseeing in India. >> ___________________________
- We’ll be missing the sunshine and freedom once we’re back in the city. >> ___________________________
- John will be joining us for dinner, I’m sure. >> ___________________________
- I’ll be going out for a beer with Annie tonight. >> ___________________________
- Unfortunately, global temperatures will still be rising in the coming years. >> ___________________________
Mostra risultati
- We won’t /will not be hiking up the mountain early in the morning, and they won’t /will not be cycling.
- I won’t /will not be working on my presentation all day tomorrow.
- Tim won’t /will not be walking his dog after lunch.
- John won’t /will not be meeting his friends after work today.
- Until the sun goes down, the children won’t /will not be playing in the park.
- We won’t /will not be binge-watching a TV series from 9 pm until … Who knows!
- Sarah won’t /will not be staying with her parents while her flat is being renovated.
- The pianist won’t /will not be performing in the auditorium tomorrow evening at 7 pm.
- Paula won’t /will not be training all week for the match.
- When you get out of the office tomorrow, I won’t /will not be landing in NYC.
- Please come before 6 o’clock. We won’t /will not be watching the game afterwards.
- Sam won’t /will not be starting work later in your new job.
- Jane won’t /will not be living in London from September.
- She won’t /will not be working there for a year.
- I won’t /will not be attending my yoga class tomorrow night; we can meet the day after.
- By this time next week, I won’t /will not be sightseeing in India.
- We won’t /will not be missing the sunshine and freedom once we’re back in the city.
- John won’t /will not be joining us for dinner, I’m sure.
- I won’t /will not be going out for a beer with Annie tonight.
- Unfortunately, global temperatures won’t /will not still be rising in the coming years.
20 esercizi sul Futuro progressivo inglese alla forma interrogativa
E adesso che ne dici di esercitarti un po’ sulla formazione delle domande? Negli esercizi future continuous che seguono ti chiediamo di creare le frasi interrogative a partire dagli elementi dati. Vai! 💪
- We / go: ____________ to the gym together tomorrow?
- The family / celebrate: ____________ at the restaurant tonight?
- You / set up: ____________the equipment before the event starts?
- They / celebrate: ____________ their anniversary with a trip?
- You / work: ____________ late tomorrow night?
- Sarah / study: ____________ for her exams all weekend?
- Tom / take: ____________ his dog to the vet next week?
- You / make: ____________ lunch for everyone tomorrow?
- Your boss /introduce:____________ the new team members at lunchtime?
- Actors / rehearse: ____________ for the play this week?
- We / decorate: ____________ the hall for the Christmas party?
- Jack / stay: ____________ at the hotel for another night?
- Dad / take: ____________ the train to work next week?
- You / play: ____________ video games all night this Friday?
- You / use: ____________ your PC during the meeting tomorrow?
- Tom / join: ____________ us this evening?
- You / check: ____________ your email while on vacation?
- The museum / offer: ____________ a tour of the exhibition next month?
- Who / look after: ____________ your children while you are at work?
- She / act: ____________ in season 2?
Mostra risultati
- Will we be going to the gym together tomorrow?
- Will the family be celebrating at the restaurant tonight?
- Will you be setting up the equipment before the event starts?
- Will they be celebrating their anniversary with a trip?
- Will you be working late tomorrow night?
- Will Sarah be studying for her exams all weekend?
- Will Tom be taking his dog to the vet next week?
- Will you be making lunch for everyone tomorrow?
- Will your boss be introducing the new team members at lunchtime?
- Will the actors be rehearsing for the play this week?
- Will we be decorating the hall for the Christmas party?
- Will Jack be staying at the hotel for another night?
- Will Dad be taking the train to work next week?
- Will you really be playing video games all night this Friday?
- Will you be using your PC during the meeting tomorrow?
- Will Tom be joining us this evening?
- Will you be checking your email while on vacation?
- Will the museum be offering a tour of the exhibition next month?
- Who will be looking after your children while you are at work?
- Will she be acting in season 2?
10 esercizi Future continuous alla forma interrogativa negativa
Adesso passiamo agli esercizi future continuous sulle domande con negazione (per es: Won’t he be presenting his ideas in the meeting?). Anche in questo caso, ti abbiamo indicato il main verb e il soggetto: ✏️ a te il compito di formare le frasi. Poi controlla il risultato.
- You / work: _______________ from home tomorrow?
- Sarah / study: _______________ in the USA next year?
- Your parents / visit: _______________us at the weekend?
- The children / play: _______________ outside after lunch?
- Laura / meet: _______________ her colleagues for coffee in the afternoon?
- We/ eat: _______________ lunch when they arrive?
- Paula and Jake / go: _______________ to the country this weekend?
- The students /study _______________ all weekend for the exams?
- You / board: _______________ your plane at nine tomorrow morning?
- The professor / receive: _______________students on Friday afternoon?
Mostra risultati
- Won’t you be working from home tomorrow?
- Won’t Sarah be studying in the USA next year?
- Won’t your parents be visiting us at the weekend?
- Won’t the children play outside after lunch?
- Won’t Laura be meeting her colleagues for coffee in the afternoon?
- Won’t we be eating lunch when they arrive?
- Won’t Paula and Jake be going to the country this weekend?
- Won’t the students be studying all weekend for the exams?
- Won’t you be boarding your plane at nine tomorrow morning?
- Won’t the professor be receiving students on Friday afternoon?
10 esercizi su Future progressive, questions tag & short answer
Ovviamente, anche con il futuro progressivo inglese è possibile formare le tag question, quelle domande formate da una frase affermativa o negativa + una formula interrogativa (tag). Il tag è costituito da un verbo, al positivo se la frase è negativa e negativo se la frase è affermativa 😵💫. Niente panico, è facile:
- We won’t be driving all night, will we?
A questo tipo di domanda si può rispondere con una short answer, una risposta breve costituito anche solo da soggetto e ausiliare:
- We will, actually.
Nelle frasi seguenti trovi tag question, seguite a volte da una short answer, ma è tutto mescolato… a te il compito di rimetterle in ordine!
- Tonight / working / be / won’t / late / you’ll, / you ?
- Meeting / restaurant / at / the / won’t / be / they’ll / us, / they ? – Yes, / will / they.
- Won’t / cleaning / the / will / house / Saturday / Tom / on / be, / he ?
- – Walking / dog / be / the / she’ll / while / we / floor / wash / the, / she / won’t? – Will / she, / sure.
- Place / sister’s / your / won’t / at / staying / be / you’ll, / you ?
- – Practicing / won’t / you / drums / the / be / study / we / while, / you / will? – Okay, / won’t / I, / okay.
- Won’t / on / be / we’ll / we / next / project / week / the / working ?
- Game / TV / on / after / won’t / the / be / they / they / will / 6 p.m. / watching ?
- – Remotely / they / staff / the / won’t / be / working / week / all / will / because / of / warning / weather / the ? – Will / they.
- – Next / other / won’t / seeing / Friday / will / we / each / we / be?
Mostra risultati
- You’ll be working late tonight, won’t you?
- – They’ll be meeting us at the restaurant, won’t they? – Yes they will.
- Tom will be cleaning the house on Saturday, won’t he?
- – She’ll be walking the dog while we wash the floor, won’t she? – Sure she will.
- You’ll be staying at your sister’s place, won’t you?
- – You won’t be practising the drums when we study, will you? – Ok ok, I will not.
- We’ll be working on the project next week, won’t we?
- They’ll be watching the game on TV after 6pm, won’t they?
- – The staff will be working remotely all week because of the weather warning, won’t they? – They will.
- We’ll be seeing each other next Friday, won’t we?
Futuro semplice o Futuro progressivo inglese? 10 esercizi
Il future continuous viene spesso confuso con il futuro semplice, tempi verbali ci sono alcune sfumature di significato. Eccone tre!
1️⃣ Il future progressive viene solitamente utilizzato sempre in associazione a un periodo di tempo specifico, mentre il futuro semplice può essere utilizzato con o senza un momento preciso.
2️⃣ Inoltre il futuro progressive, implica la durata di un’azione, il future simple no.
3️⃣ Il futuro continuo mostra anche una maggiore certezza rispetto al futuro semplice.
Tutto chiaro? 🫤 Scoprilo scegliendo le forme giuste dei verbi nelle frasi seguenti.
You __________ (receive) your results by email.
Will receive
This time tomorrow, we __________ (fly) to Paris.
Will be flying
At 6 p.m., Mark __________ (work) on his project.
Will be studying
I __________ (call) you when I arrive.
Will call
She __________ (study) for her exams all weekend.
Will study
Sarah __________ (finish) her homework before dinner.
Will finish
They __________ (visit) the museum one day.
Will visit
They __________ (visit) the museum next Saturday.
Will be visiting
We __________ (drive) to the beach at this hour next Friday.
Will be driving
He __________ (bring) his camera to the event.
Will bring
10 esercizi Future continuous o Future perfect
Un altro dei futuri inglesi con cui il future progressive è spesso confuso è il future perfect, soprattutto da noi parlanti italiani. A questo argomento abbiamo dedicato anche un articolo: Future continuous vs Future perfect. 👈
Se usiamo, come abbiamo visto, il future continuous per parlare di azioni o eventi futuri che avranno corso in un determinato momento del futuro oppure di azioni future che vediamo come nuove, diverse dalla norma o temporanee, usiamo il future perfect per parlare di qualcosa che sarà completato prima di un determinato momento nel futuro:
Our friends are arriving at 7 pm. We’ll have finished cooking by then.
Per questo è spesso accompagnato da marcatori temporali come by, by the time, in (numero mesi, anni giorni etc).
Ma adesso basta parlare! Mettiti alla prova scegliendo per ogni frase la forma di futuro giusta.
This time tomorrow, I __________ (sit) on a beach, enjoying my vacation.
Will be sitting
She ___ (drive) home when you call her.
Will be driving
I ___ (finish) my homework before dinner.
Will have finished
This evening, they ___ (celebrate) their anniversary.
Will be celebrating
You __________ (learn) all the grammar points by the end of the course.
Will have learnt
By the time you get home, we __________ (prepare) everything for the party.
Will have prepared
When you get home, we __________ (prepare) everything for the party.
Will be preparing
At 8 p.m. tonight, they __________ (watch) a movie together.
Will be watching
By tomorrow evening, she __________ (pack) all her things for the trip.
Will have packed
Next month I __________ at the company's head office.
Will be working
Ma quanto è bello l’inglese‼️‼️ Prenota una lezione di prova gratuita con Novakid e guarda con i tuoi occhi‼️
E se hai ancora voglia di testare le tue conoscenze, abbiamo quello che fa per te! 😋
✏️ Esercizi Present Simple
🖋️Esercizi Present Continuous
✏️Esercizi Present Perfect Continuous
✏️Esercizi sul Past Perfect
✍️ Esercizi sul Passivo in Inglese
✍️ Esercizi sulle Mixed Tenses
🖋️ Esercizi sul Past Continuous vs Past Simple