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100 esercizi sul Simple Past: cominciamo?

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Se anche tu pensi che non c’è modo migliore per imparare i verbi inglesi che fare pratica, sei nel posto giusto! 🤸 Qui trovi 100 esercizi con il Past Simple preparati per te da Novakid, scuola internazionale di inglese online per bambini: per chi vuole imparare l’inglese da zero così come per chi è già più avanti e cerca un programma di inglese prima media.

Naturalmente gli esercizi sul Simple Past seguenti sono per tutti: grandi e piccini! Ma prima di iniziare a fare i nostri exercises rispolveriamo velocemente quello che sappiamo su questo tempo verbale del passato inglese. 🫣

Il Past Simple spiegato facile e veloce

Ecco, in poche righe, tutto quello che devi sapere sul Simple Past. E se poi avrai voglia di saperne di più, corri a leggere la nostra spiegazione sul Past Simple.


Il Past Simple è uno dei tempi verbali che in inglese si usano per descrivere azioni o situazioni del passato (Past). Si chiama Simple perché è formato da una sola parola.

Quando si usa

Usiamo il Simple Past per parlare di:

  • Qualcosa che è accaduto una volta nel passato, in un momento preciso: I met Tom in 2021.
  • Qualcosa che è accaduto più volte nel passato: When I was a boy, I walked 2 kilometers a day to go to school.
  • Qualcosa che era vero nel passato ma ora non più: I lived in UK for ten years.

Come si forma

Per la maggior parte dei verbi, il Passato semplce inglese si forma aggiungendo -ed alla forma base del verbo:

  • work > worked
  • paint > painted

Ma purtroppo le cose non sono sempre così semplici. 😒 Ci sono infatti alcuni piccoli cambiamenti grafici che riguardano alcuni verbi:

Quando finisce per vocale + consonante, si raddoppia la consonante prima di -ed:

  • stop >> stopped

Nei verbi che terminano per consonante + y, la y diventa i e poi si aggiunge -ed:

  • study >> studied

Quando invece il verbo finisce per vocale + y, si aggiunge regolarmente –ed:

  • play >> played

I verbi irregolari al Simple Past

Ma non è finita qui. In inglese esistono molti verbi – anche importantissimi, come to be – che hanno una forma irregolare al Simple Past. Come fare per impararli? Studiare! 🤓😉

Ecco un elenco dei più comuni:

Present s. Past si. Present s. Past s.
be was / were begin began
break broke bring brought
build built buy bought
catch caught choose chose
come came cost cost
cut cut do did
draw drew drink drank
drive drove eat ate
fall fell feel felt
fight fought find found
fly flew forget forgot
freeze froze get got
give gave go went
have had hear heard
hold held hit hit
keep kept know knew
learn learnt leave left
lead led let let
lie lay lose lost
make made mean meant
meet met pay paid
put put read read
ride rode run ran
say said see saw
sell sold send sent
set set shut shut
sing sang sit sat
sleep slept speak spoke
spend spent stand stood
steal stole swim swam
take took teach taught
tell told think thought
understand understood wake woke
wear wore win won
write wrote  


Frasi interrogative e negative

Per costruire le frasi negative si usa l’ausiliare didn’t ( = did not), secondo lo schema seguente:

soggetto + didn’t + forma base del verbo

  • I didn’t know.
  • She didn’t come.

Ma ecco 3 cose importanti sulle negative al Past Simple:

1️⃣ Il didn’t va bene per tutte le persone, singolari e plurali.

2️⃣ Si usa anche con have: We didn’t have breakfast.

3️⃣ Non si usa con il verbo be, che prende il not direttamente: I wasn’t at home last night.

Per le domande valgono un po’ le stesse regole e le stesse eccezioni. Con la solita inversione

Did + soggetto + + forma base del verbo + ?

  • Did you know that?
  • Did she come?
  • Did you have breakfast?
  • Were you at home last night?

30 Esercizi con il Past Simple per scaldarsi un po’

Allora, accendiamo il motore? 🚀 Nelle coppie di frasi seguenti scegli quella corretta.

Controlla le risposte

10 esercizi inglese past simple: fai le domande

Fare le domande in inglese non è sempre facile. Ecco perché abbiamo deciso di dedicare alcuni esercizi past simple proprio alle domande. Prima di svolgerli, ti consigliamo di andare a rileggere velocemente il nostro articolo su come si fanno le domande in inglese. Poi scegli la forma giusta fra quelle proposte.

What ____________ when she saw you? (Said she / Did she say / Do she said) Arrow icon

What did she say when she saw you?

____________ your meal? (Did you enjoy / Did you enjoied / Did you enjoyed) Arrow icon

Did you enjoy your meal?

Where ____________ on vacation last summer? (Do Pam and Tome went / Did Pam and Tom went / Did Pam and Tom go) Arrow icon

Where did Pan and Tom go on vacation last summer?

What ____________on television last night? (Have you watch / Have you watched / Did you watch) Arrow icon

What did you watch on television last night?

____________ fun at the party? (Did you have / Did you had / Had you) Arrow icon

Did you have fun at the party?

When ____________Paul? (Did you met / Did you meet / Met you) Arrow icon

When did you meet Paul?

____________ the game yesterday? (Do they win / Did they win / Have they won) Arrow icon

Did they win the game yesterday?


____________ sick? (Dis she be / Were she / Was she) Arrow icon

Was she sick?


What time ____________ this morning? (Did the kids get up / Got the kids up / Did the kids got up) Arrow icon

What time did the kids get up this morning?


How long ____________to get here? (Did it took / Did it take you / Took you) Arrow icon

How long did it take you to get here?

Past Simple esercizi con verbi irregolari: 20

Abbiamo visto qualche riga sopra i verbi inglesi che formano il Simple Past in modo irregolare. Nelle righe seguenti individua la forma giusta del Past Simple dei verbi fra parentesi e poi controlla i risultati.

Laura (eat) _______ two cheeseburgers for dinner yesterday. Arrow icon

Laura ate two cheeseburgers for dinner yesterday.


Usually my dad takes the bus but he (drive) _______ to work this morning Arrow icon

Usually my dad takes the bus but he drove to work this morning


We (buy) ___ a summer house in a small village in the South of France. Arrow icon

We bought a summer house in a small village in the South of France.


We (go) _______ to France last summer and we (fall) _______ in love with the village of Sainte Maire. Arrow icon

We went to France last summer and we fell in love with the village of Sainte Maire.


I (forget) _______ to bring my money, could you pay for the coffee please? Arrow icon

I forgot to bring my money, could you pay for the coffee please?


When I (be) _______ a teenager I (break) every rule, then I (understand) _______ I was wrong. Arrow icon

When I was a teenager I broke every rule, then I understood I was wrong.


I (read) _______ all Jane Austens’ books when I (be) _______ at college. Arrow icon

I read all Jane Austens’ books when I was at college.


What ____ you (do) at the gym? Arrow icon

What did you do at the gym?


First we (do) _______ some exercises to warm up, then we (run) _______ for half an hour. Arrow icon

First we did some exercises to warm up, then we ran for half an hour.


We (be) _______ very thirsty after that and we (drink) _______ a glass of water! Arrow icon

We were very thirsty after that and we drank a glass of water!


Last night, Pam and I (see) _______ a film on TV then we (go) _______ out for a drink. Arrow icon

Last night, Pam and I saw a film on TV then we went out for a drink.


Yesterday I (swim) _______ for two hours straight. Today I’m exhausted. Arrow icon

Yesterday I swam for two hours straight. Today I’m exhausted.


A few moments ago, I (hear) _______ a strange sound coming from the street. Did you hear it? Arrow icon

A few moments ago, I heard a strange sound coming from the street. Did you hear it?


This morning we (wake) _______ up at 11 a.m. … it’s Sunday! Arrow icon

This morning we woke up at 11 a.m. … it’s Sunday!


I (get) _______ it, thank you for the explanation. Arrow icon

I got it, thank you for the explanation.


This dog is vicious, it (bite) _______ two kids in the park last week. Arrow icon

This dog is vicious, it bit two kids in the park last week.


The words you said (hurt) _______ me very much. Arrow icon

The words you said hurt me very much.


Last week we (flight) _______ 60 hours. Now we just feel like resting. Arrow icon

Last week we flew 60 hours. Now we just feel like resting.


I (take) _______ the last train this morning and am here now. Arrow icon

I took the last train this morning and am here now.


Police (catch) _______ the thieves last night as they (be about to) ___ cross the border. Arrow icon

Police caught the thieves last night as they were about to cross the border.

10 esercizi inglese su Past Simple e marcatori temporali

Le espressioni di tempo, o marcatori temporali, sono avverbi o preposizioni usate in inglese per dire quando un’azione è avvenuta. Il Past Simple usa espressioni come ago, yesterday (+ morning, ecc), last (+ day, week ecc.) o le preposizioni di tempo on, in , at.

Se vuoi ripassare un po’ dai un’occhiata ai nostri articoli su marcatori temporali inglesi e le preposizioni di tempo in inglese e poi fai l’esercizio seguente.

Nella tabella seguente trovi le frasi divise in due: ricomponile collegando a ogni parte di frase il marcatore temporale corretto. Scrivile sul quaderno e poi controlla i risultati.

The plane arrived at noon
Jane and I always take a walk in 1998
Dad got out of the hospital  last Christmas
, Samantha had the best party ever. last year
Tom graduated high school  yesterday morning↘
My grandfather died  On her last birthday
Google was founded  on July 3rd
I was born  the day before yesterday
The kids got lots of presents  three years ago
She got up very late  two hours ago
Hai avuto problemi con l’inglese da adulto? Dai un futuro migliore a tuo figlio!
Prima lecție este complet GRATIS!
Mostra risultati Arrow icon

Jane and I always took a walk at noon.

Dad got out of the hospital the day before yesterday.

On her last birthday, Samantha had the best party ever.

Tom graduated high school last year.

My grandfather died three years ago.

Google was founded in 1998.

I was born on September 3rd.

The kids got lots of presents last Christmas.

She got up very late yesterday morning.

10 Esercizi su Past Simple e Past Continuous

Ecco due tempi verbali che sono molto “amici” 🫶 Infatti Past Continuous e Past Simple ci aiutano a capire come due azioni o situazioni erano collegate nel passato, cioè:

  • Il Past Simple ci dice che un’azione è avvenuta in un preciso momento nel passato.
  • Il Past Continuous ci racconta cosa stava accadendo mentre quell’azione è avvenuta.

Tutto chiaro? Per scoprirlo completa le frasi al Past Simple o al Past Continuous secondo le indicazioni date 👇

Tom (make) _______ lunch when his sister (call) _______ him. Arrow icon

Tom was making lunch when his sister called him.


What (you, do) _______ you when she (come) _______ home? Arrow icon

What were you doing when she came home?


Jane (walk) _______ in the street when she (notice) _______ a mouse crossing the road. Arrow icon

Jane was walking in the street when she noticed a mouse crossing the road.


When I (go out) _______ this morning, the sun (shine) _______: why would I take an umbrella? Arrow icon

When I went out this morning the sun was shining: why would I take an umbrella?


The teacher (get) _______ very angry when a student (start) _______ laughing while she (explain) _______ the lesson. Arrow icon

The teacher got very angry when a student started laughing while she was explaining the lesson.


The students (still complete) _______ their test when the bell (ring) _______. Arrow icon

The student were still completing their test when the bell rang.


She (walk along) _______, minding her own business, when she (feel) _______ someone touch her arm, “Do you remember me? We (be) _______ in the same class! Arrow icon

She was walking along, minding her own business, when she felt someone touch her arm, “Do you remember me? We were in the same class!


Who was the girl you (talk to) _______ when I (see) _______ you in that bar? Arrow icon

Who was the girl you were talking to when I saw you in that bar?


Everyone (stop) _______ what they (do) _______ when the bang was heard. Arrow icon

Everyone stopped what they were doing when the bang was heard.


When the police (arrive) _______ the people (still dance) _______ because they had no idea what (go on) _______. Arrow icon

When the police arrived the people were still dancing because they had no idea what was going on.

Vuoi saperne di più? Leggi il nostro articolo su Past Simple e Past Continuous!

10 Esercizi Simple Past e Present Perfect

Per noi italiani, non è sempre facile distinguere quando usare l’uno o l’altro tempo verbale. Un po’ perché confonidamo il Present perfect con il nostri passato prossimo, un po’ perché nella grammatica italiana non abbiamo un verbo che, come il Present Perfect collega il passato e il presente. Se anche tu hai dei dubbi, ti consigliamo di risolvere la cosa in 3 step:

1️⃣ Vai a rileggere il nostro articolo sul Present perfect
2️⃣ Approfondisci la differenza fra Past Simple e Present perfect
3️⃣ Scegli la forma giusta per completare le frasi seguenti e poi controlla i risultati!

I __________ that book, it’s amazing! (Already read / Have already read) Arrow icon

Have already read

We ________ at home when the mailman_______. (Were… rang / have been…has rung) Arrow icon

Were… rang

I feel great. I have lost seven pounds since Thanksgiving. (Lost / Have lost) Arrow icon

Have lost

The children have not begun (not begin) their homework yet. (Did not begin / Have not begun) Arrow icon

Have not begun

The last time he played soccer was two years ago. (Played / Has played) Arrow icon


Pam ______ a problem with her car yesterday. (Had / Has had) Arrow icon


I know London very well. I ______ there for three years when I was a student. (Lived / Have lived) Arrow icon


I __________ in London since 2018. (Lived / Have lived) Arrow icon

Have lived

We __________ the cleaning. Everything is spick and span now. (Did / Have done) Arrow icon

Have done

The train __________ five minutes ago. (Arrived / Has arrived) Arrow icon


Past Perfect o Simple past esercizi: altri 10

Spesso in inglese si usano il Past Perfect e il Simple Past per indicare l’ordine di due eventi passati. 👉 Il past perfect indica l’azione precedente e il past simple quella successiva. 👈 Secondo questa regola, completa le frasi seguenti, e poi verifica le tue risposte.

After we (visit) ______ Notre Dame, we (go) ______ to the Tour Eiffel. Arrow icon

After we had visited Notre Dame, we went to the Tour Eiffel.


Laura (ask) ______ me who I (meet) ______ at the party. Arrow icon

Laura asked me who I had met at the party.


After she (visit) ______ an animal farm, Laura (stop) ______ eating meat. Arrow icon

After she had visited an animal farm, Laura stopped eating meat.


Before the Browns (move) ______ to London, they (sell) ______ all of their furniture. Arrow icon

Before the Browns moved to London, they had sold all of their furniture.


After he (work) ______ very hard, without sleeping for a week, Tom (fall) ______ ill. Arrow icon

After he had worked very hard, without sleeping for a week, Tom fell ill.


She (open) ______ the car after she (find) ______ the key. Arrow icon

She opened the car after she had found the key.


After we (wash) ______ the windows, we (wipe) ______ the floor. Arrow icon

After we had washed the windows, we wiped the floor.


They (go) ______ sightseeing right after the plane (land) ______. Arrow icon

They went sightseeing right after the plane had landed.


Jack(leave) ______ his previous girlfriend before he (start) ______ dating Anna. Arrow icon

Jack had left his previous girlfriend before he started dating Anna.


My sister (clean up) ______ the mess before my parents (get) ______ home. Arrow icon

My sister had cleaned up the mess before my parents got home.

Finito? Sei davvero il Number 1 🥇 !!!

Se questi esercizi sul Simple Past ti hanno fatto venire fame di farne altri, 🤓 ecco dove troverai pane per i tuoi denti 👇

🖊️Esercizi Present Perfect

✏️ Esercizi Present Simple

🖋️Esercizi Present Continuous

✒️Esercizi Past Perfect

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