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100 Esercizi di inglese: Forma passiva non ti temo!

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Sai come usare il passivo in inglese, a cosa serve e quando si usa? Probabilmente sì ma non è mai male mettersi alla prova! In questa pagina trovi 100 esercizi sulla forma passiva inglese, organizzati per tempo verbale: dal passivo del Present Simple, in maniera che siano adatti a chi ha fatto per ora solo un corso di inglese per principianti fino al passivo dell’Infinito e del Gerundio (-ing form), adatta a chi è già un pro dell’inglese! 🤓

Tutti i test hanno le risposte e non manca un piccolo ripasso veloce veloce della passive voice. E se poi degli esercizi in inglese non puoi fare a meno, in fondo all’articolo troverai i link per tanti altri test online di grammatica inglese.

Li ha preparati per te Novakid, scuola di inglese per bambini online. Attiva in 50 paesi del mondo, con insegnanti madrelingua e programmi aderenti agli standard europei QCER.

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La forma passiva inglese in breve

Le frasi attive in inglese prevedono il soggetto all’inizio, poi il verbo e poi il complemento oggetto, cioè la persona o la cosa che subisce o riceve l’azione. Per esempio:

  • I have already eaten all the biscuits (soggetto + verbo + oggetto)

Ma non tutte le frasi devono essere costruite così. Possiamo anche mettere in evidenza chi o cosa riceve l’azione, e farlo diventare la parte più importante della frase:

  • All the biscuits have been eaten (l’oggetto diventa oggetto: i biscotti).

Quando usiamo il passivo in inglese

Spesso usiamo il passivo:

  • quando preferiamo non menzionare chi o cosa compie l’azione perché non lo sappiamo o non vogliamo dirlo) 😎
  • per mettere all’inizio della frase le informazioni più importanti 🥇o più logiche
  • negli scritti più formali o scientifici.

Come si forma

Be’, il passivo è molto facile. Diciamo che si fa in 3 step:

1️⃣ Chi subisce/riceva l’azione diventa il soggetto (ricordi i biscotti di prima?)

2️⃣ L’ausiliare To be viene coniugato al tempo necessario.

3️⃣ Si aggiunge il participio passato del verbo principale.

Per approfondire ti consigliamo di andare a leggere il nostro articolo sulla forma passiva inglese. Qui sotto trovi invece una tabella riassuntiva.

Tabella di formazione del passivo

Ecco la coniugazione della forma passiva dei principali tempi e modi del verbo, con esempi.

Active voice Passive voice Note
Present Simple I make a mistake A mistake is made Make: Present simple verbo principale
Is: Present simple to be
Made: Past participle verbo principale
Present Continuous I’m making a mistake A mistake is being made Am making: Present verbo principale continuous
Is being: Present continuous to be
Made: Past participle verbo principale
Past Simple I made a mistake A mistake was made Made: Past simple verbo principale
Was: Past simple to be
Made: Past participle verbo principale
Past Continuous I was making a mistake A mistake was being made Was making: Past continuous verbo principale
Was being: Past continuous to be
Made: Past participle verbo principale
Present Perfect I have made a mistake A mistake has been made Have made: Present perfect verbo principale
Has been: Present perfect di to be
Made: Past participle verbo principale
Past Perfect I had made a mistake A mistake had been made Had made: Past perfect verbo principale
Had been: Past perfect di to be
Made: Past participle verbo principale
Future Simple I will make a mistake A mistake will be made Will make: Future simple verbo principale
Will be: Future simple to be
Made: Past participle verbo principale

Have made

Be made

Have been made

Make: Infinito
Be: Infinito di to be
Made: Past participle verbo principale

Having made

Being made
Having been made
Making: Gerundio
Being: Gerundio
Made: Past participle verbo principale


Se ti va di saperne di più, ti consigliamo la lettura del nostro articolo sulla Passive voice inglese. 😉

15 Esercizi sulla forma passiva inglese: Present Simple

Cominciamo a scaldarci un po’. Trasforma le frasi seguenti alla forma passiva, conservando il tempo verbale utilizzato (Present Simple).


My dad cooks dinner every evening.



The maid cleans the house weekly.



The receptionist makes the calls.



The girl delivers the newspaper every morning.



The tenants pay the bills every month.



My brother drives the car.



The janitor turns off the lights at night.



The receptionist collects the mail.



The waiters serve the food.



Sarah opens the windows every morning.



The technicians in this workshop repair mobile phones, computers and televisions.



The postman delivers the packages.



The magistrate questions the witnesses.



Tom always does the hardest work.



My team wins all matches.


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  1. The dinner is cooked by my dad every evening.
  2. The house is cleaned by the maid weekly.
  3. The calls are made by the receptionist.
  4. The newspaper is delivered by the girl every morning.
  5. The bills are paid by the tenants every month.
  6. The car is driven by my brother.
  7. The lights are turned off by the janitor at night.
  8. The mail is collected by the receptionist.
  9. The food is served by the waiters.
  10. The windows are opened by Sarah every morning.
  11. Mobile phones, computers and televisions are repaired by the technicians in this workshop.
  12. The packages are delivered by the postman.
  13. The witnesses are questioned by the magistrate.
  14. The hardest work is always done by Tom.
  15. All the matches are won by my team

Present Continuous: 15 esercizi sulla forma attiva e passiva

completa le frasi sia al passivo sia all’attivo. Il verbo principale è indicato fra parentesi e il tempo è, come detto, sempre il Presente continuo. Prima trovi l’attivo e poi il passivo.
Se prima iniziare vuoi ripassare un po’ la teoria, corri a leggere i nostri articoli su:

✔️ Present Continuous

✔️ Present Continuous Passive

Ora te la senti? 💪

1 (Brew)
The barista _________________ the coffee.
The coffee__________________by the barista.

2 (Do)
The students __________________ the homework.
The homework__________________ by the students.

3 (Pack)
The kids __________________ the toys.
The toys __________________ by the kids.

4 (Review)
The teacher __________________ my essay.
My essay __________________ by the teacher.

5 (Paint)
The workers __________________ the room.
The room __________________ by the workers.

6 (Water)
John __________________ the garden.
The__________________ by John.

7 (Sing)
The choir __________________ an ancient song.
An ancient song __________________ by the choir.

8 (Repair)
The technician __________________ the washing-machine.
The washing-machine __________________ by the technician.

9 (Amuse / not)
These jokes __________________ the audience.
The audience __________________by these jokes.

10 (Wash)
Tim __________________ the car.
The car __________________ by Tom.

11 (Explain)
The teacher __________________ the lesson to the students.
The lesson __________________ to the students by the teacher.

12 (Take)
Tom __________________ some photos of the Colosseum.
Some photos of the Colosseum __________________ by Tom.

13 (Make)
Laura__________________ plans for the weekend.
Some plans for the weekend __________________ by Laura.

14 (Sell)
My parents __________________ their car.
The car __________________ by my parents.

15 (Open / Jane)
__________________ the gifts now?
Are the gifts__________________ by Jane?

Mostra i risultati Arrow icon

The coffee is being brewed by the barista.
The barista is brewing the coffee.

The homework is being done by the students.
The students are doing the homework.

The toys are being packed by the kid
The kids are packing the toys.

My essay is being reviewed by the teacher.
The teacher is reviewing my essay .)_

The room is being painted by the workers.
The workers are painting the room.)_

The garden is being watered by John.
John is watering the garden.)_

An ancient song is being sung by the choir.
The choir is singing an ancient song.)

The washing-machine is being repaired by the technician.
The technician is repairing the washing-machine.

These jokes are not amusing the audience.
The audience is not amused by these jokes.

Tim is washing the car.
The car is being washed by Tom.

The teacher is explaining the lesson to the students.
The lesson is being explained to the students by the teacher.

Tom is taking some photos of the Colosseum.
Some photos of the Colosseum are being taken by Tom.

Laura is making plans for the weekend.
Some plans for the weekend are being made by Laura.

My parents are selling their car.
The car is being sold by my parents.

Is Jane opening the gifts now?
Are the gifts being opened by Jane?

15 Esercizi forma passiva inglese del Simple Past

Adesso tocca al Past Simple! Trasforma alla forma passiva le frasi seguenti. 🔄️

  1. The manager sent the emails >> ____________________
  2. Sarah opened the windows. >> ____________________
  3. The client signed the documents. >> ____________________
  4. My grandmother baked the cake. >> ____________________
  5. The guests booked the rooms. >> ____________________
  6. The receptionist made the calls. >> ____________________
  7. A friend of mine wrote the letter. >> ____________________
  8. The home team won the game. >> ____________________
  9. The Beatles changed music history. >> ____________________
  10. The construction company built the house. >> ____________________
  11. The volunteers planted the trees. >> ____________________
  12. Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas in 1492. >> ____________________
  13. Last night I drove Jane to the party. >> ____________________
  14. More than 10,000 people visited the National Museum last year. >> ____________________
  15. Over the weekend the children built the tree house. >> ____________________
Mostra i risultati Arrow icon
  1. The emails were sent by the manager.
  2. The windows were opened by Sarah.
  3. The documents were signed by the client.
  4. The cake was baked by my grandmother.
  5. The rooms were booked by the guests.
  6. The calls were made by the receptionist.
  7. The letter was written by a friend of mine.
  8. The game was won by the home team.
  9. Music history was changed by The Beatles.
  10. The house was built by the construction company.
  11. The trees were planted by the volunteers.
  12. The Americas were discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.
  13. Jane was driven to the party by me last night.
  14. Last year the National Museum was visited by more than 10,000 people.
  15. The tree house was built by the children over the weekend.

10 Esercizi sulla forma passiva inglese del Past Continuous

Ti va di metterti alla prova con esercizi sulla forma passiva inglese difficile? Ti abbiamo accontentato. Le frasi seguenti sono tutte al Past Continuous passivo, ma l’ordine delle parole è tutto mescolato. A te il compito di rimettere tutto a posto, come in un puzzle 🧩. Quando hai finito l’ esercizio, controlla le soluzioni.

  1. Sewn / the / being / dress / by / the / was / tailor.
  2. Displayed / the / being / artwork / by / museum / the / was.
  3. Music / being / the / played / was / DJ / the / by.
  4. Fire / being / extinguished / was / by / firefighters / the.
  5. Speech / being / the / delivered / mayor / by / was / the.
  6. Dishes / being / the / washed / was / dishwasher / the / by.
  7. Suspect / being / the / questioned / by / the / police / was.
  8. Being / baby / cared / by / the / for / babysitter / was / the.
  9. Her / being / planned / party / whole / by / family / was / the.
  10. Food / being / packed / was / volunteers / the / by.
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  1. The dress was being sewn by the tailor.
  2. The artwork was being displayed by the museum.
  3. The music was being played by the DJ.
  4. The fire was being extinguished by the firefighters.
  5. The speech was being delivered by the mayor.
  6. The dishes were being washed by the dishwasher
  7. The suspect was being questioned by the police.
  8. The baby was being cared for by the babysitter.
  9. Her party was being planned by the whole family.
  10. The food was being packed by the volunteers.

10 Esercizi di inglese: forma passiva del Present Perfect Simple

Ora è la volta del Present Perfect Simple, il verbo più tricky per gli studenti di inglese seconda lingua perché sembra semplice ma non lo è affatto. 😉 Come nell’esercizio precedente, trasforma le frasi dalla forma attiva alla forma passiva.

  1. The team has received the email. >> ____________________
  2. I have read this book several times. >> ____________________
  3. A gang of mysterious robbers has robbed the bank. >> ____________________
  4. Sarah has sent the message. >> ____________________
  5. Instagram has replaced Facebook and TikTok has replaced Istagram as the social media of choice for teenagers. >> ____________________
  6. The cat has been fed by my brother. >> ____________________
  7. Everyone has watched the movie. >> ____________________
  8. The children haven’t completed their homework yet. >> ____________________
  9. The developers have not updated the website for a long time. >> ____________________
  10. Have the students already passed the exam? >> ____________________
Mostra i risultati Arrow icon
  1. The email has been received by the team.
  2. This book has been read several times by me.
  3. The bank has been robbed by a gang of mysterious robbers.
  4. The message has been sent by Sarah.
  5. Facebook has been replaced by Instagram and TikTok has replaced Instagram s the social media of choice for teenagers.
  6. My brother has fed the cat.
  7. The movie has been watched by everyone.
  8. The homework has not been completed by the children yet.
  9. The website has not been updated by the developers for a long time.
  10. Has the exam already been passed by the students?

10 Esercizi inglese forma passiva del Past Perfect

Ricordi il Past perfect, il tempo verbale che si usa per descrivere un’azione avvenuta prima di un’altra nel passato? Ecco, anche il Past Perfect ha una forma passiva. Completa le frasi con la forma corretta.

  1. (Application / send) ________________ before the deadline?
  2. The bike (Already / steal )________________ when police arrived.
  3. The task (do) ________________ before the boss called me.
  4. The apartment (paint) ________________ before we bought it.
  5. When Helen arrived at the airport, her flight (already / cancel) ________________ canceled.
  6. When I came to his flat, the door (not / lock) ________________
  7. (His car / repair) ________________ before she sold it?
  8. The lunch (not /cook)________________ when his wife came home.
  9. When they came to the shop, it (not /open) ________________ yet.
  10. When they arrived at the stadium, the concert (not / start) ________________.
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  1. Had the application been sent before the deadline?
  2. The bike had already been stolen when police arrived.
  3. The task had been done before the boss called me.
  4. The apartment had been painted before we bought it.
  5. When Helen arrived at the airport, her flight had already been canceled.
  6. When I came to his flat, the door hadn’t been locked.
  7. Had his car been repaired before she sold it?
  8. The lunch had not been cooked when his wife came home.
  9. When they came to the shop, it hadn’t been opened yet.
  10. When they arrived at the stadium, the concert hadn’t been started.

Esercizi forma passiva inglese: 15 volte Future Simple

Ci sono tanti modi per parlare del futuro in inglese, ma oggi vogliamo concentrarci sul passivo del Future Simple e lo facciamo insieme a Jake 👦. Anche a lui piace immaginare il suo futuro e ha voluto condividere i suoi sogni con noi. Ma qualcosa è andato storto e tutti i verbi al futuro semplice passivo sono saltati. Ci pensi tu a rimetterli a posto, scegliendo per ogni frase il verbo corretto?

Hi, I’m Jake, and I want to share what my future might look like. In a few years, I hope many great things ________________ in my life.
First, my education ________________ in the next few years,
and then I think a lot of exciting things ________________ for my career.
A job in engineering ________________by me because I love solving problems.
Hopefully, I ________________ by a company that designs cool gadgets.
Outside of work, I know my friendships ________________,
and new adventures ________________.
Trips ________________ to different countries because I want to see the world
In the future, I hope my personal life ________________ by close friends and family.
I’m sure many challenges ________________,
but with their help, those obstacles ________________.
Hopefully, by the time I’m 30, a house ________________ Hopefully, by the time I’m 30, a house ________________
and maybe a dog ________________!
All in all, I’m confident that with hard work, many of my dreams ________________,
and great things ________________ in my future.
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10 Esercizi sulla forma attiva e passiva del Gerundio e dell’Infinito

Terminiamo con alcuni esercizi sulla forma passiva inglese difficile: la passive voice dei modi Infinito e Gerundio in inglese.

L’infinito passivo viene utilizzato spesso dopo i verbi modali. Utilizziamo l’infinito passivo quando vogliamo concentrarci sul destinatario o quando non vogliamo menzionare l’agente (la persona che compie l’azione). Invece la forma passiva -ing viene utilizzata per esprimere un’azione continua.

Completa le frasi seguenti con la formula giusta.

The car needs ________________. (To be washing / have washed / to be washed) Arrow icon

to be washed

The windows must ____________ at night. (Be closed / close / be closing) Arrow icon

Be closed

I hate ____________ to like that. (Being spoken / was spoken / have spoken) Arrow icon

Being spoken

The witness is going _______________ by the court. (To be question / to be questioned / having questioned) Arrow icon

to be questioned

I am grateful to ____________________ this opportunity. (Was given / have given / have been given) Arrow icon

have been given

Nobody likes _____________________. (Being cheated / have been cheating / have cheated) Arrow icon

Being cheated

_______________ in small print, the clauses of the contract are not legible. (Being having written / having been written / To be written) Arrow icon

having been written

We should _______________ about the risks. (To warn / was warned / have been warned) Arrow icon

have been warned

All tickets must _______________ within the week. (Being sold / sold / be sold) Arrow icon

be sold

Children like _______________ to. (Being listened / have been listened / listened.) Arrow icon

Being listened

Ci hai preso gusto? Ecco altro pane per i tuoi denti! 🤩


✏️ Esercizi Present Simple

🖋️Esercizi Present Continuous

🖊️Esercizi Present Perfect

✍️ Esercizi Present Perfect Continuous

✒️Esercizi Past Simple

✏️Esercizi sul Past Perfect

🖊️Esercizi sui Phrasal verbs

✒️ Esercizi sui Verbi modali

✍️ Esercizi sulle Mixed Tenses

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Questions and answers

La voce passiva si forma con il verbo “to be” seguito dal participio passato del verbo principale. L’oggetto della frase attiva diventa il soggetto di quella passiva. Ad esempio, The letter was written by John (attivo: John wrote the letter). Per imparare a usare la passive voice è importante fare molti esercizi di inglese forma passiva.

Per convertire, l’oggetto della frase attiva diventa il soggetto della frase passiva. Aggiungi l’ausiliare to be nello stesso tempo della frase attiva, seguito dal participio passato. Per esempio: She is painting a picture diventa A picture is being painted by her. Per allenarti all’uso del passivo, la cosa migliore è fare molti esercizi di inglese forma passiva.

Il present simple passive si forma utilizzando il tempo presente di to be (am, is, are) e il participio passato del verbo principale. Ad esempio: The book is read by many people. La pratica costante di esercizi di inglese forma passiva è il modo migliore per imparare l’uso del passivo inglese.

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