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100 Esercizi con il Present Perfect: cominciamo?

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Scommettiamo che hai appena digitato le lettere “esercizi present perfect” oppure “past simple e present perfect esercizi” 😉 Beh, qui hai trovato davvero quello che cercavi.

Novakid, la scuola di inglese online che organizza lezioni interattive di inglese per bambini in 50 paesi del mondo, ha raccolto per te 100 esercizi sul present perfect: niente male, per chi ha voglia di approfondire uno dei tempi verbali più complicati per noi italiani. Insomma non proprio un argomento di inglese per principianti, anzi! Ma cominciamo con un ripassino veloce.🚀

Il Present perfect in breve

Prima di passare ai nostri 100 esercizi present perfect, vale la pena spolverare un po’ quello che sappiamo su questo tempo verbale dell’inglese.

Cos’è il Present perfect

Il present perfect simple (lo chiamiamo così per distinguerlo dal present perfect continuous) è un tempo verbale composto della lingua inglese. “Composto” vuol dire che è formato da due parole: l’ausiliare + il participio passato del verbo.

❌Anche se è un tempo composto come il nostro passato prossimo, ma non è corretto considerarlo come un tempo passato. ❌

Come si forma il Present Perfect

👉Nelle frasi affermative, si forma secondo la regola seguente:

soggetto + ausiliare to have (presente ) + participio passato del verbo principale

Per esempio:

  • I have worked
  • You have lived
  • Paul has painted

👉Nelle frasi negative si forma così:

soggetto + ausiliare to have (presente ) + not + participio passato del verbo principale

Spesso l’ausiliare + not viene contratto. Per esempio:

  • I have not /haven’t worked
  • You have not / haven’t lived
  • Paul has not / hasn’t painted

👉 Nelle frasi interrogative la formula è la seguente:

have/has + soggetto + participio passato verbo principale


  • Have I worked?
  • Have you lived?
  • Has Paul painted?

Quando si usa il Present Perfect

Qui noi italiani siamo portati a sbagliare.😫 Il passato prossimo di casa nostra non c’entra niente. Invece, in inglese si usa il Present perfect per esprimere una connessione fra il passato e il presente, l’effetto dell’azione passata sul presente, oppure la continuità o la ripetitività nel passato.

Si usa per:

  • Esprimere un’azione o situazione che è iniziata nel passato ma continua nel presente: she has lived in Rome for 10 years.
  • Raccontare un’azione che è avvenuta nel passato ma le cui conseguenze si verificano nel presente: Gloria has missed the bus (e quindi ha fatto tardi al lavoro).
  • Descrivere qualcosa che è avvenuto nel passato, ma in un periodo di tempo che ancora dura: Paul has worked all day (il giorno non è ancora finito).
  • Per esprimere un’azione avvenuta in un momento imprecisato del passato: I have read Gullivers Travels (non importa quando, non lo so).
  • Descrivere un’azione avvenuta varie volte nel passato: Kate has seen Romeo and Juliet five times.

Ti è venuta voglia di saperne di più? Corri a leggere il nostro articolo sul Present perfect!

10 Esercizi di inglese su present perfect: Has o Have?

Cominciamo sul facile. Completa le frasi seguenti con la forma corretta dell’ausiliare. Cerca anche di capire se una frase è negativa (Aiutino: ce ne sono due 😉). Poi verifica le tue risposte.

The cat _________ eaten anything all day. Arrow icon

The cat hasn’t eaten anything all day.

I _______ traveled to three different countries this year. Arrow icon

I have traveled to three different countries this year.

We _______ finished all the assignments for today. Arrow icon

We have finished all the assignments for today.

_______ the movie started yet? Arrow icon

Has the movie started yet? 

They _______ lived in this neighborhood for ten years. Arrow icon

They have lived in this neighborhood for ten years.

He ______ won several awards for his photography. Arrow icon

He has won several awards for his photography.

I ________ seen my keys since this morning. Arrow icon

I haven’t seen my keys since this morning.

She _______ cooked dinner for the whole family. Arrow icon

She has cooked dinner for the whole family.

You ______ learned a lot since you started this course. Arrow icon

You have learned a lot since you started this course.

________ you ever tried skiing before? Arrow icon

Have you ever tried skiing before?

15 esercizi di inglese present perfect: scegli la forma giusta

Scegli la forma giusta fra quelle possibili, poi controlla le tue risposte.

The students__________ their exam results yet. (haven’t received / received / did not receive) Arrow icon

The students haven’t received their exam results yet.

_________ your parents traveled to Asia before? (Has / Have / Did) Arrow icon

Have your parents traveled to Asia before?


I _______ finished reading the new book you recommended. (Has / Not / Have) Arrow icon

I have finished reading the new book you recommended.


They ________ a beautiful garden in their backyard. (Have builded / Have built / Build) Arrow icon

They have built a beautiful garden in their backyard.


We __________ the garage since last winter. (Haven’t cleaned / Have cleaned / Cleaned) Arrow icon

We haven’t cleaned the garage since last winter.


_________ he completed his training for the marathon yet? (Did / Has / Will) Arrow icon

Has he completed his training for the marathon yet?


She ____ already ________ her final project to the professor. (Has ….submitted / Have …. submitted / Has …. submit) Arrow icon

She has already submitted her final project to the professor.


______ they painted their house recently? (Will / Do / Have) Arrow icon

Have they painted their house recently?


I __________ to my old friend in years. (Haven’t spoken / Have spoken / Spoken) Arrow icon

I haven’t spoken to my old friend in years.


We _________ that museum several times this year. (Haven’t visited / Visit / Have visited) Arrow icon

We have visited that museum several times this year.


The company __________a new product this month. (Launch / Has launch / Has launched) Arrow icon

The company has launched a new product this month.


She _________ sushi before, but she wants to. (Has tried / Hasn’t tried / Has try) Arrow icon

She hasn’t tried sushi before, but she wants to.


_____ anyone _______ my phone around here? (Have… seen / Has…. See/ Has… seen) Arrow icon

Has anyone seen my phone around here?


They __________ any decisions about the project so far. (Haven’t made / Have made / Has make) Arrow icon

They haven’t made any decisions about the project so far.


_______ you ever _________ to a concert at the Royal Opera House? (Did…. be / Will…been / Have…been) Arrow icon

Have you ever been to a concert at the Royal Opera House?

15 esercizi di inglese sul present perfect: scrivi le frasi

Nelle frasi seguenti ti abbiamo dato gli elementi fondamentali: il soggetto, il verbo principale, se si tratta di una frase affermativa, negativa o una domanda. Riscrivi le frasi usando il Present perfect poi controlla se hai fatto bene.

Why – the police – arrest that boy ? Arrow icon

Why have the police arrested that boy?

We – not – decide where to go on holidays. Arrow icon

We haven’t decided where to go on holidays.

Paul – drink – a glass of water. Arrow icon

Paul has drunk a glass of water.


Marilyn – never – act in a film before. Arrow icon

Marilyn has never acted in a film before.


Dad – buy – the newspaper? Arrow icon

Has Dad bought the newspaper?


Children – not- have breakfast yet. Arrow icon

The children haven’t had breakfast yet.


Tom – fall – off his bike. Arrow icon

Tom has fallen off his bike.


You – meet – the new boss. Arrow icon

Have you met the new boss?


Jane and Jim – study – for the exam. Arrow icon

Jane and Jim have studied for the exam.


You – visit Spain – before? Arrow icon

Have you visited Spain before?


Dad – just- go out Arrow icon

Dad has just gone out.


They – make dinner? Arrow icon

Have they made dinner?


We – visit Europe several times. Arrow icon

We have visited Europe several times.


I – not- shower – yet. Arrow icon

I haven’t showered yet.


We – always – live in this house Arrow icon

We have always lived in this house.

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10 Esercizi su present perfect: since o for?

Come abbiamo visto, spesso il Present perfect è usato per dire da quanto tempo dura un’azione che è iniziata nel passato. In questo caso, per specificare appunto tale periodo di tempo si usa:

  • For per indicare la durata (giorni, mesi, anni ecc.).
  • Since per precisare il punto di partenza esatto (lunedì, agosto, il 2005 ecc.).

Per saperne di più consulta il nostro articolo sulla differenza fra Since e For. Ma intanto, mettiti alla prova con gli esercizi seguenti, scegliendo la parola giusta.

We haven’t had a proper vacation _____ over four summers. (For / Since) Arrow icon


The weather has been gloomy _____ last weekend. (For / Since) Arrow icon


She has lived in that apartment _____ almost a decade. (For / Since) Arrow icon


He hasn’t played tennis _____ several months. (For / Since) Arrow icon


I have known her _____ we were in high school. (For / Since) Arrow icon


He hasn’t visited his hometown _____ 2015. (For / Since) Arrow icon


I have worked at this company _____ five years. (For / Since) Arrow icon


They have been friends _____ as long as I can remember. (For / Since) Arrow icon


We have stayed in touch _____ our trip to Japan. (For / Since) Arrow icon


She has been a member of this club _____ February. (For / Since) Arrow icon


15 Present perfect esercizi con already, still, yet e just

Already, yet, still e just sono indicatori temporali inglesi molto spesso usati con il Present Perfect.In breve, ecco come si traducono:

  • Just = un istante prima di adesso
  • Yet = fino a ora, nelle frasi negative
  • Still = ancora no, ad oggi no
  • Already = già, prima di ora.

Se vuoi approfondire, ti consigliamo di leggere il nostro articolo su Still, already, yet, just. Altrimenti, vai direttamente alle frasi seguente e completale con la forma giusta.

We have _______ not received any confirmation about the event. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


The train has _______ left the station. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


She has not replied to my email _______. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


I have _______ finished writing the report. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


He _______ hasn’t found his missing wallet. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


We have _______ seen that movie twice this month. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


They haven’t cleaned the house _______, but they plan to do it soon. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


She has _______ come back from her trip to Paris. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


Have you _______ finished your homework? (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


I haven’t decided what to wear for the party _______. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


They have _______ announced the winner of the competition. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


She has _______ been working on the same project for weeks. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


He has _______ completed his part of the project. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


The children have _______ not gone to bed. (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


Have you _______ booked the tickets for the concert? (Already / Just / Still / Yet) Arrow icon


20 Esercizi Present Perfect e Past simple

Quando si usa il Present perfect e quando il past Simple? Noi italiani,che non usiamo più il passato remoto e praticamente sempre il passato prossimo, e che vediamo (sbagliando) il Present perfect molto simile appunto al passato prossimo, ci confondiamo spesso. Ripassiamo rapidamente:

👌Il Simple past è il tempo usato per parlare di azioni, eventi, situazioni accaduti nel passato e terminati. Di solito la frase è completata da un marcatore temporale: We went to the cinema.

👌Il present perfect, lo abbiamo visto descrive azioni iniziate nel passato ma che hanno una relazione col presente: sono ancora in corso, hanno una conseguenza nel presente, sono appena concluse; oppure sono avvenute nel passato, non sappiamo quando o più volte; sono avvenute in un periodo che non si è ancora concluso (I’ve studied all day).

Se ti abbiamo fatto venire voglia di saperne di più, vai a leggere il nostro articolo su Present Perfect o Past Simple. Oppure passa direttamente agli esercizi seguenti, scegliendo la frase corretta per ogni coppia.

Controlla le risposte

15 Esercizi sul Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

Hei qui il gioco si fa duro 💪, siamo a un livello B1/B2! In effetti la differenza fra questi due tempi è molto sottile. Utilizziamo sia il present perfect simple che il present perfect continuous per parlare di azioni o stati passati che sono ancora collegati al presente.

Ma allora quali sono le differenze. Eccole:

Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous
Focus sul risultato Focus sulla durata
Azione che può essere finita Azione che dura
Quanto Per quanto
Si usa con gli stative verbs (feel, like, agree, belong need, know ecc) Non si usa con gli stative verbs


Verifica se ti è tutto chiaro, scegliendo la frase giusta per ogni coppia.

1. You’ve been studying for months. You’ve read all the books on the topic. 2. You’ve studied for months. You’ve read all the books on the topic. Arrow icon

You’ve been studying for months. You’ve read all the books on the topic.

1. I think I’ve been loving pizza since I was born. 2. I think I ‘ve loved pizza since I was born. Arrow icon

I think I ‘ve loved pizza since I was born.

1. I’ve cleaned all day, I’m exhausted. 2. I ‘ve been cleaning all day, I’m exhausted. Arrow icon

I ‘ve been cleaning all day, I’m exhausted.

1. I’ve had my dog for sixteen years. 2. I’ve been having my dog for sixteen years. Arrow icon

I’ve had my dog for sixteen years.

1. I’ve eaten less sugar recently, and I feel better. 2. I’ve been eating less sugar recently, and I feel better. Arrow icon

I’ve been eating less sugar recently, and I feel better.

1. I’ve been writing all afternoon. I’ve written 10 pages. 2. I’ve written all afternoon. I’ve written 10 pages. Arrow icon

I’ve written all afternoon. I’ve written 10 pages.

1. The kitchen is a total mess: I’ve cooked! 2. The kitchen is a total mess: I’v been cooking! Arrow icon

The kitchen is a total mess: I’v been cooking!

1. Pam has never been in France. 2. Pam has never been being in France. Arrow icon

Pam has never been in France

1. How many albums has Taylor Swift been writing? 2. How many albums has Taylor Swift written? Arrow icon

How many albums has Taylor Swift written?

1. Jane has been eating my choco bars. There are very few left. 2. Jane has eaten my choco bars. There are very few left. Arrow icon

Jane has been eating my choco bars. There are very few left.

1. Jane has been eating my choco bars.There are none left. 2. Jane has eaten my choco bars.There are none left. Arrow icon

Jane has eaten my choco bars.There are none left.

1. How long have you been knowing Dr Kent? 2. How long have you known Dr Kent? Arrow icon

How long have you known Dr Kent?

1. I will be late, I have been waiting for the bus for half an hour. 2. I will be late, I have waited for the bus for half an hour. Arrow icon

I will be late, I have waited for the bus for half an hour.

1. How many times have you seen this film? 2. How many times have you been seeing this film? Arrow icon

How many times have you seen this film?

1. Mom is exhausted these days. She’s worked too hard recently. 2. Mom is exhausted these days. She’s been working too hard recently. Arrow icon

Mom is exhausted these days. She’s been working too hard recently.

Eccoci alla fine. Siamo sicuri che dopo questi 100 esercizi con present perfect questo tempo verbale non ha più segreti per te, una volta per tutte! Come si dice: la perfezione arriva con l’ esercizio.

 E sei ci hai preso gusto, abbiamo pane per i tuoi denti!
Corri a fare i nostri esercizi sui verbi:

🖊️Esercizi Present Simple

✏️ Esercizi Past Simple

🖋️Esercizi Present Continuous

✒️Esercizi Past Perfect

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