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100 esercizi sul Present Simple da fare online gratis

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Se cerchi un modo semplice per ripassare il Present Simple in inglese con esercizi interattivi, sei nel posto giusto. Abbiamo preparato 100 esercizi in inglese sul Present Simple con soluzioni. Ti saranno utili per imparare a usare il Present Simple anche nella forma interrogativa e negativa, per ripassare le variazioni ortografiche e per sapere con sicurezza quando usare il Present Simple e quando il Present Continuous. 

Esercitarsi online è più divertente che fare esercizi su un libro, specialmente per bambini e bambine. Dai un’occhiata ai corsi di inglese per bambini Novakid: le lezioni sono individuali, gli insegnanti tutti madrelingua e non servono né libri né quaderni. 

Present Simple: quando si usa e come si forma

Nel nostro articolo sul Present Simple trovi tutte le spiegazioni che ti servono su questo tempo verbale: come si forma, quando si usa. Qui ricordiamo brevemente che il Present Simple è uno dei tempi verbali fondamentali in inglese che corrisponde al presente indicativo in Italiano.

Il Present Simple è il primo tempo verbale che impariamo in inglese e lo usiamo per parlare di routine quotidiane, fatti generali o stati d’animo. Formare il Present Simple è molto facile: si usa la forma base del verbo, cioè l’ infinito senza “to”. Esempio: I play soccer (Io gioco a calcio). Solo per la terza persona singolare (He, She, It) si aggiunge una “s”: He plays soccer (Lui gioca a calcio). Queste sono le forme verbali corrette in base alla persona e al numero.

Mettiti alla prova e fai i nostri 100 esercizi sul Present Simple online.

Esercizi sul Present Simple facili

They (to play) ____ basketball every Saturday. Arrow icon

They play basketball every Saturday.

He (to go) ____ to school by bus. Arrow icon

He goes to school by bus.

I (to eat) ____ breakfast in the morning. Arrow icon

I eat breakfast in the morning.

You (to read) ____ books before bed. Arrow icon

You read books before bed.

The dog (to bark) ____ at strangers. Arrow icon

The dog barks at strangers.

She (to like) ____ ice cream. Arrow icon

She likes ice cream.

We (to watch) ____ movies on weekends. Arrow icon

We watch movies on weekends.

My sister (to study) ____ French at school. Arrow icon

My sister studies French at school.

It (to rain) ____ a lot in spring. Arrow icon

It rains a lot in spring.

He (to play) ____ the guitar very well. Arrow icon

He plays the guitar very well.

Esercizi con il Present Simple: le variazioni ortografiche

Abbiao visto che nel Present Simple in inglese si aggiunge una “s” alla terza persona singolare. Questo a volte rende necessari dei cambiamenti ortografici, cioè dei cambiamenti nello spelling. Ecco la regola: 

  • se il verbo termina in “o”,“s”, “sh”, “ch” o “x”, si aggiunge “es” (ad esempio, go diventa he goes e wash diventa he washes).
  • se il verbo termina in “y” preceduta da consonante, la “y” diventa in “ies” (ad esempio, cry diventa he cries)

Se il verbo termina in “y” preceduta da vocale, invece, non c’è nessuna variazione e si aggiunge semplicemente la “s” (ad esempio, play diventa he plays).

Ecco alcuni esercizi sul Present Simple e le variazioni ortografiche, per mettere in pratica queste regole di ortografia.

He (to go) ____ to the gym every day. Arrow icon

He goes to the gym every day.

She (to wash) ____ the dishes after dinner. Arrow icon

She washes the dishes after dinner.

The baby (to cry) ____ when he is hungry. Arrow icon

The baby cries when he is hungry.

My brother (to play) ____ football on weekends. Arrow icon

My brother plays football on weekends.

She (to study) ____ hard for her exams. Arrow icon

She studies hard for her exams.

He (to do) ____ his homework every evening. Arrow icon

He does his homework every evening.

The cook (to mix) ____ the ingredients for the cake. Arrow icon

The cook mixes the ingredients for the cake.

Esercizi sul Present Simple: la forma negativa

Adesso che hai fatto un po’ di esercizi con il Present Simple nelle frasi affermative, vediamo la forma negativa del Present Simple. Per fare una frase negativa al Present Simple devi usare l’ausiliare “do”seguito da “not”, spesso abbreviato in “don’t”. Esempio: I don’t like pizza (Non mi piace la pizza) 

Per la terza persona (“he”, “she” e “it “) si usa “does not” o “doesn’t”.
He doesn’t play soccer  (Lui non gioca a calcio)
Nota che la “s” si aggiunge solo al do, e non anche al verbo.

Ecco 10 esercizi con il Present Simple nella forma negativa. Completa gli spazi vuoti con don’t o doesn’t:

I ____ like coffee in the morning. Arrow icon

I don’t like coffee in the morning.

She ____ play basketball on weekends. Arrow icon

She doesn’t play basketball on weekends.

They ____ go to school by bus. Arrow icon

They don’t go to school by bus.

He ____ read books before bed. Arrow icon

He doesn’t read books before bed.

We ____ eat meat. Arrow icon

We don’t eat meat.

It ____ rain much in summer. Arrow icon

It doesn’t rain much in summer.

You ____ need to wake up early tomorrow. Arrow icon

You don’t need to wake up early tomorrow.

My brother ____ watch TV at night. Arrow icon

My brother doesn’t watch TV at night.

They ____ know the answer to the question. Arrow icon

They don’t know the answer to the question.

She ____ enjoy playing video games. Arrow icon

She doesn’t enjoy playing video games.

Frasi interrogative con il Present Simple

Per fare una frase interrogativa nel Present Simple in inglese, si usa l’ausiliare “do” o “does” ( per la terza persona singolare) all’inizio della frase, seguito dal soggetto e dal verbo nella forma base. Per esempio: Do you like pizza? ( Ti piace la pizza?) oppure Does he play soccer? (Lui gioca a calcio?). Fai pratica con questi 10 esercizi sul Present Simple nelle frasi interrogative.  Se vuoi approfondire, leggi il nostro articolo sulle frasi interrogative in inglese.

____ you like pizza? Arrow icon

Do you like pizza?

____ Paolo play soccer? Arrow icon

Does Paolo play soccer?

____ they go to the gym every day? Arrow icon

Do they go to the gym every day?

____ Maria study French? Arrow icon

Does Maria study French?

____ we need more milk? Arrow icon

Do we need more milk?

____ it rain often in spring? Arrow icon

Does it rain often in spring?

____ your parents live in London? Arrow icon

Do your parents live in London?

____ she have a cat? Arrow icon

Does she have a cat?

____ you work on weekends? Arrow icon

Do you work on weekends?

____ your brother like reading books? Arrow icon

Does your brother like reading books?

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Present simple vs Present Continuous

Ti capita di confonderti tra Present Simple e Present Continuous? In questo articolo trovi una spiegazione completa di quando usare il Present Simple e quando il Present Continuous.

Qui ricapitoliamo brevemente la differenza tra i due tempi. Il Present Simple si usa per descrivere azioni abituali, fatti generali o verità universali. Per esempio: I play soccer every weekend (Gioco a calcio ogni fine settimana) oppure Water boils at 100°C (L’acqua bolle a 100 gradi) per esprimere una verità scientifica.

Il Present Continuous, invece, si usa per parlare di azioni che stanno accadendo in questo momento o in questo periodo. Ad esempio, I am playing soccer right now significa che stai giocando a calacio proprio adesso. Oppure She is studying for her exams these days indica che lei sta studiando in questo periodo. 

In sintesi, il Simple Present è per abitudini e fatti generali, mentre il Present Continuous si riferisce ad azioni in corso o temporanee. Tutto chiaro? Prova a fare questi esercizi sul Present Simple vs Present Continuous. 

I (play / am playing) soccer every weekend. Arrow icon

I play soccer every weekend.

Luna (is working / works) at the moment. Arrow icon

Luna is working at the moment

We (eat / are eating) lunch right now. Arrow icon

We are eating lunch right now.

They (are studying / study) English every day. Arrow icon

They study English every day.

He (is driving / drives) to work every morning. Arrow icon

He drives to work every morning.

Look! It (is raining / rains) outside. Arrow icon

Look! It is raining outside.

My brother (plays / is playing) video games on weekends. Arrow icon

My brother plays video games on weekends.

I (am not sleeping / don’t sleep) very well these days. Arrow icon

I am not sleeping very well these days.

They (are having / have) a meeting right now. Arrow icon

They are having a meeting right now.

You (are working / work) late every Friday. Arrow icon

You work late every Friday.

She (is taking / takes) the bus to school today. Arrow icon

She is taking the bus to school today.

We (visit / are visiting) our grandparents every summer. Arrow icon

We visit our grandparents every summer.

My friend (is reading / reads) a book at the moment. Arrow icon

My friend is reading a book at the moment.

They (are watching / watch) TV in the evening every day. Arrow icon

They watch TV in the evening every day.

I (study / am studying) for my exams this week. Arrow icon

I am studying for my exams this week.

The sun (is setting / sets) in the west. Arrow icon

The sun sets in the west.

She (is not listening / doesn’t listen) to music right now. Arrow icon

She is not listening to music right now.

We (are planning / plan) a trip for the holidays. Arrow icon

We are planning a trip for the holidays.

The train (leaves / is leaving) at 7 PM every day. Arrow icon

The train leaves at 7 PM every day.

He (is cleaning / cleans) his room every Saturday. Arrow icon

He cleans his room every Saturday.

Present Simple: trova l’errore

Adesso che hai già fatto 57 esercizi con il Simple Present, sei pronto per un tipo di esercizio un po’ più difficile. In ognuna di queste frasi c’è un errore. Riesci a trovarlo? 

She don’t like to swim in the pool. Arrow icon

She doesn’t like to swim in the pool.

They goes to the cinema every Saturday. Arrow icon

They go to the cinema every Saturday.

He play soccer every weekend. Arrow icon

He plays soccer every weekend.

I am not understand the lesson. Arrow icon

I don’t understand the lesson.

The cat catch mice every night. Arrow icon

The cat catches mice every night.

We doesn’t eat breakfast in the morning. Arrow icon

We don’t eat breakfast in the morning.

She go to school by bus. Arrow icon

She goes to school by bus.

You plays video games every day. Arrow icon

You play video games every day.

It don’t rain much in summer. Arrow icon

It doesn’t rain much in summer.

My brother like chocolate ice cream. Arrow icon

My brother likes chocolate ice cream.

Frasi con il Present Simple da tradurre in italiano

Se vuoi fare ancora un po’ di esercizi con il Present Simple in inglese, ecco 15 frasi affermative, negative e interrogative da tradurre in Italiano. 

Maria plays the piano. Arrow icon

Maria suona il pianoforte.

Tom doesn’t like vegetables. Arrow icon

Tom non ama le verdure.

John and Sarah go to the gym every morning. Arrow icon

John e Sarah vanno in palestra ogni mattina.

Lisa studies English at school. Arrow icon

Lisa studia inglese a scuola.

Michael doesn’t watch TV in the evening. Arrow icon

Michael non guarda la TV di sera.

Does Emma play soccer on weekends? Arrow icon

Emma gioca a calcio nei fine settimana?

David drinks coffee every day. Arrow icon

David beve caffè ogni giorno.

The children don’t like to swim in the sea. Arrow icon

I bambini non amano nuotare nel mare.

Does Anna eat breakfast in the morning? Arrow icon

Anna fa colazione al mattino?

Robert reads a book every night. Arrow icon

Robert legge un libro ogni sera.

Samantha doesn’t work on Fridays. Arrow icon

Samantha non lavora il venerdì.

Do Peter and Lucy enjoy hiking? Arrow icon

Peter e Lucy amano fare escursioni?

Julia sings beautifully. Arrow icon

Julia canta magnificamente.

Mark doesn’t ride his bike to school. Arrow icon

Mark non va a scuola in bicicletta.

Does Clara visit her grandparents every Sunday? Arrow icon

Clara visita i suoi nonni ogni domenica?

Esercizi sul Present Simple con gli avverbi di frequenza

Continua ad esercitarti con il Present Simple e gli avverbi di frequenza. Qui trovi un approfondimento sugli indicatori temporali in inglese. Gli avverbi di frequenza, in particolare, indicano quanto spesso un’azione si ripete.  I principali avverbi di frequenza in inglese sono: always (sempre), usually (di solito), often (spesso), sometimes (a volte), rarely (raramente), never (mai).

Con il Present Simple, gli avverbi di frequenza si mettono prima del verbo. Per esempio: She always drinks coffee in the morning (Lei beve sempre caffè al mattino.)

Do you usually go to the gym? (Vai in palestra di solito?) I don’t usually read in bed (In genere non leggo a letto).

Ecco alcuni esercizi sul Present Simple con gli avverbi di frequenza:

Samantha (to go, usually) ____ to the gym on Mondays. Arrow icon

Samantha usually goes to the gym on Mondays.

Daniel (to eat, always) ____ breakfast at 7 AM. Arrow icon

Daniel always eats breakfast at 7 AM.

The kids (to play, often) ____ outside after school. Arrow icon

The kids often play outside after school.

Jessica (to watch, sometimes) ____ movies on weekends. Arrow icon

Jessica sometimes watches movies on weekends.

Michael (not do, often) ____ his homework in the evening. Arrow icon

Michael doesn’t often do his homework in the evening.

Laura (not go, usually) ____ to the park on Saturday. Arrow icon

Laura doesn’t usually go to the park on Saturday.

Do they (to play, usually) ____ soccer on Sundays? Arrow icon

Do they usually play soccer on Sundays?

Does Sarah (to go, often) ____ to the gym after work? Arrow icon

Does Sarah often go to the gym after work?

Do you (to study, sometimes) ____ in the library? Arrow icon

Do you sometimes study in the library?

David (to play, usually) ____ soccer in the summer. Arrow icon

David usually plays soccer in the summer.

The cat (to sleep, often) ____ on the couch. Arrow icon

The cat often sleeps on the couch.

Esercizi sul Present Simple: riepilogo

E per completare questa sessione di esercizio sul Present Simple, mettiti alla prova con queste 7 frasi che riassumono tutte le regole che abbiamo incontrato in questi esercizi online sul Present Simple in inglese. 

Michael (to go, always) ____ to the cinema on Fridays. Arrow icon

Michael always goes to the cinema on Fridays.

Jessica (to do, never) ____ her homework in the morning. Arrow icon

Jessica never does her homework in the morning.

Does Tom (to watch, often) ____ TV in the evening? Arrow icon

Does Tom often watch TV in the evening?

Do you (to eat, sometimes) ____ pizza for lunch? Arrow icon

Do you sometimes eat pizza for lunch?

She (to go, usually) ____ to the beach in summer. Arrow icon

She usually goes to the beach in summer.

He (to do, rarely) ____ his chores on weekends. Arrow icon

He rarely does his chores on weekends.

Anna (to study, always) ____ for her exams. Arrow icon

Anna always studies for her exams.

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Questions and answers

Il Present Simple in inglese si forma in base al soggetto della frase. Per le frasi affermative, si usa il soggetto seguito dal verbo alla forma base, come in “I play soccer” (Io gioco a calcio); per la terza persona singolare (he, she, it), si aggiunge una -s o -es al verbo, ad esempio “He plays soccer” (Lui gioca a calcio).

Per le frasi negative, si utilizza do not (don’t) per tutte le persone tranne la terza persona singolare, dove si usa does not (doesn’t). Ad esempio, “I do not (don’t) play soccer” (Io non gioco a calcio) e “She does not (doesn’t) watch TV” (Lei non guarda la TV).

Per le domande, si inverte l’ordine del soggetto e dell’ausiliare do/does, come in “Do you play soccer?” (Tu giochi a calcio?) e “Does she watch TV?” (Lei guarda la TV?).

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